Support from the Village of South Holland

The Village of South Holland

The Village of South Holland wishes you well as you submit your bid to locate a casino in the Village of East Hazel Crest. We firmly believe in regional efforts and understand the need for strong economic growth in order for our region to continue to move forward. We recognize and will continue to work with you, our friends in East Hazel Crest, to promote the benefits of the Southland region.

While we, in South Holland, have not desired a casino location within our village limits, we believe in the right of each Cook County municipality as a member of the South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association to determine its own position regarding casinos.

With this in mind, if a license to operate a casino is granted to East Hazel Crest, we as a community in the region, have no objections.

As we continue our role as a regional player, and if East Hazel Crest is to receive a gaming license, we would participate in a fair allocation for cost reimbursement as it relates to public safety expenses and cost associated with increased participation in regional activities.

In summary, we do not object to East Hazel Crest, securing this new gaming facility; and if one is granted, we will work with you for the betterment of our region.


Mayor Don A. De Graff